By Andrea Guachalla
Some months ago the internet was taken by storm when pictures from the new remake of Snow White were leaked for the world to see. If you weren’t aware of the controversy surrounding the release of such images, let me explain it briefly. By the end of this article you’ll realize it’s worthwhile to know the story.
A few months ago a picture from the newest production of Snow White was published on an american outlet. In it the infamous picture appears. A non-white Snow White and the 7 non-dwarfs. Outlets and Disney fans across America and Latin America had different reactions to the leaked material. And though some outlets tried to defend Disney and their progressive endeavors, most of the internet exploded in laughter.
Now, what caused most of the controversy was not so much the fact that the new Snow White is not a German white woman but rather one of Latin descent, nor that the dwarfs are not dwarfs but rather a group of 1 dwarf, and 6 normal-sized people that include a woman, all of various ethnicities, and, lets face it… probably of various sexual orientations too. No. What caused most of the controversy were the resurfaced interviews the protagonist, Rachel Zegler, had given last year to promote the movie.
Several segments of interviews have been shared since the picture leaked, and they all paint both the cast and the movie itself in a very, very bad light. Some of the most egregious comments made by the protagonist state that Snow White, the original movie, is retrograde and that the new progressive Snow White doesn’t care for love but about being a great leader. Comments made by Zelger show that she despises Snow White for being a woman who dreams about the blue prince and about true love, as if that was something bad in itself.
Her words resonated far and wide… “this Snow White is not gonna be saved by the prince, nor is she gonna be dreaming about true love”. In a couple of interviews with her co-star, Gal Gadot who portrays the Stepmother, they both roar that this Snow White is different, strong, independent, self-reliant, and more like… Well, a man.
The funny thing is that they say it as if everyone should feel allured by such a “plot twist”. As if we hadn’t had enough “girl boss” movies in the past decade, and as if every single one of us thought that dreaming about true love and about a good man was inherently bad or misogynistic.
Well… Surprise, surprise! People in general hated Zegler’s comments and many, including the son of the very director of the original movie from 1937, just revolted in disgust. I also revolted in disgust, though I don’t really care for Disney movies anymore since their “not so secret” gay agenda has become more evident.
Criticism came from both conservatives, for the way actresses like Zegler want to advance a feminist agenda, and also from liberals who think Zegler has a distorted view on what feminism is really about. I won’t get into why the liberal’s claims are incorrect, since I’ve talked about it here already, but let it suffice to say that feminism at its core rejects femininity, marriage, and motherhood. Putting that discussion aside for now, I do wanna talk about why young women like Zegler hate the idea of being a traditional woman and a couple of ideas about what we can do about it.
Why do the newer generations hate womanhood?
There is one thing the entertainment industry in America and elsewhere have done effectively, and that is to brainwash the newer generations into hating womanhood. I especially can attest to that because I myself fell victim to the indoctrination, and identified as a feminist for several years before waking up to reality. The main reason I became a feminist was that I consumed tons of American entertainment and music.
Hollywood’s movies, and TV series portray women as the opposite of what they truly are, overbearing women with an impossible standard that cannot be reached. Women are now portrayed as the stronger gender, as CEOs, superheroes, saviors, leaders, and so on. We’ve seen this with Mulan, Sarah Connor, Katniss Everdeen, She-Hulk, Wonder Woman, the Black Widow, and countless others. Even movies that are supposed to have a male protagonist somehow manage to be all about women saving the incompetent, sensitive, and unintelligent men involved in the story.
Which Marvel fan didn’t come out of watching “Thor: Love and Thunder” feeling insulted by the plot where a small framed woman ends up saving a demigod who is too preoccupied with his feelings and thus is utterly useless? There is a reason She-Hulk was an absolute failure, and Snow White is predicted to be one too. People don’t want to see “girl bosses” anymore, if that means despising the original design of women, and portraying men as stupid and useless.
Added to Hollywood, the education system in many countries, the United Nations, and social media have made great efforts to indoctrinate the youth with feminism among other things, which reject the very idea of a Creator giving his creation a design.
The design God gave us
There is a reason God gave us the design that we, men and women, have, and that is to fulfill the roles that He gave us.
It is undeniable that women are weaker and more emotional than men. We have that ingrained in our DNA. And that is not bad! It just means we are different from men and we can embrace that because God has made us that way. We face more hormonal changes throughout our lives and through the month, that obviously makes us less fit for a 9 to 5 job in an office and influences our mood. We literally have less bone density and muscle mass which makes us weaker and thus not fit for many jobs and tasks, or unable to protect ourselves from imminent threats in many circumstances. There is a reason the Bible calls women “the weaker vessel”.
All of these things make us, to an extent, dependent on the rationale and objectivity of men, and their strength and leadership. And so what? Are we less valuable because we need help, or because we face mood swings more often than males? No. God has beautifully designed men to be leaders, protectors and providers so we, women, can fulfill our God-given roles without having to worry about being the ones providing, leading and protecting.
And are we inferior for not having been designed to be leaders, providers and protectors? No! God has made us, women, suitable helpers, nurturers, homemakers and child-bearers. Things that men are not designed to be. Men cannot bear children, man don’t have the tendency to nurture and care for others to the same extent women do, and they are oblivious to how to make a house a home. That’s something women do!
Now, I get that men and women can encounter themselves in situations that require for them to cross into what the other gender is designed to do, but if we were to embrace God’s design for both we would certainly encounter that the more a man embraces and enacts his God given roles, the freer a woman is to be exactly that: a woman, as God intended her to be. And the same can be said in the reverse.
Now this question arises: what are we supposed to do now? What can we do to counteract what the education system in many countries and the entertainment industry have been teaching to children and teens for years?
Here are a couple of ideas!
Be a true woman
The world will tell you that you should hate womanhood, marriage and motherhood. The world will tell you that it is not okay to admit that you are weaker than men, or that you want to be a wife or a mother. The world will prompt you to be a girl boss, and act like a man. At least their idea of what a man is.
So here is a revolutionary thing to do: BE A WOMAN!
Embrace beauty and home-making, child rearing and marriage. Embrace the things that make you special by design. Your tendency to be tender, the fact that you can pay close attention to details men would never notice, the fact that you feel compelled to play with children when they are around, and the fact that you are more talkative and sensitive than your male counterparts. Pray about one day meeting a godly man who you can marry and whose lead you can follow. Dream about being a suitable helper and a mother. It is Ok to long for those things as long as they don’t become idols!
Even if it sounds superficial for some, embrace your tendency to want to look beautiful and put together. Embrace your desire to make your residence a home, and your want to be hospitable with others. Rejoice when you cook a good meal that others can enjoy. It is Ok to pursue these things. It is natural for a woman to want to care for others, and to long for marriage and motherhood.
Celebrate marriage and motherhood
Who hasn’t listened to anti-marriage comments at work or among friends? The world will tell young people that marriage is awful, and not worth it. And sadly, many people speak out of experience. Many have had to face divorce, adultery, or domestic violence. Sadly, there are marriages that are suffering. However, that doesn’t mean marriage is bad in itself, but rather that human beings can turn something so beautiful into something to dread.
Likely, who hasn’t listened to the complaints of women (and men) about having to rear children and how awful it can be? I dare say we all have! I’ve heard comments ranging from how awful pregnancy is, to how horrible the anxiety can get when your children are already adults and have to face harsh situations. I have, sadly, even heard women regret having had children in the first place. That is the world we live in, and you don’t need to form your views on marriage and motherhood based on those comments, nor on marriages that you’ve seen fail.
As time goes by it is becoming more rare to see women celebrating that they got married or they had children, first of all because many young adults are not interested in marriage whatsoever, let alone parenthood. Women from my generation and younger ones celebrate being able to travel through the world, or spending time with their fur-children, or they rejoice in the fact that they are not committed to one single person for life but can rather date a new person every time they get tired of their most recent relationship.
Now, I don’t mean to say that no one in my generation upholds marriage and parenthood to a high position, but I do mean to say that sentiments against both things are increasing rapidly, and that is worrisome and sad. So, next time you see a friend of yours getting married or announcing they are having a baby, do take the time to celebrate that! And do it openly if you will, organizing baby showers, posting it on social media, or commenting on their posts. Marriage and parenthood are a beautiful thing, because God has created us to glorify Him through those things.
Added to that, when we see women (or men) talk down on womanhood, the traditional role of women, marriage or children, let’s speak up! Let’s defend the design God gave to women, and the nuclear family that He, in his goodness, has instituted for his glory, the good of society, the church, and for our enjoyment.