By Andrea Guachalla

During 2023 we had several guest writers who covered topics such as relationships, the influence of the secular society on Christians, pro-life activism and others. In this list you can find the most read articles of 2023:

1. Dear Single Brother, Understand Her

This article was written by pastor Theron St. John. In it he explains the intricacies of understanding women, things that he’s learned in marriage, and calls men to “get her, even when you don’t get it”. You can read the full article here.

2. Dear Single Brother, Pursue Her

Again by pastor Theron, in this article he shares mistakes he made in his pursuit of marriage and addresses several unwise things men do when they fear rejection more than they trust the Lord. Read the full article here.

3. Four Things You Shouldn’t Do When You’re Single

This one was written by me and in it I address the single women who are falling into the realm of bitterness. The article contains four things I strongly believe no single woman should do if they are struggling with their singleness. Read it here.

4. The Postmodernism That Infected the Church

This one was written by my sister Naomi who is a physicist. In it she explains how postmodernism has influenced the church and Christians nowadays to the point we cannot state that something is true. You can read the full article here.

5. Be Humble not Entitled

This last one was written by me. In this article I try to explain why my generation and newer ones have become so entitled and embrace mercy while they angrily oppose actual justice. Read the full article here

Now, here are five articles that were very close to entering the top 5 and that were equally relevant this year: 

Thank you for supporting us this past year! We are very thankful for the people who have read and shared our articles.

This year we have major news regarding Tasting The Ocean that we cannot share just yet. But do expect to hear from us by the end of February. May the Lord bless you!

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